How to Install Jenkins in Centos 7

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Jenkins is one of the famous and most used CI/CD Tool in the IT Market today. It can be Integrated with many other tools like git hub , git lab , bit bucket and many more.. It can also be used for testing and as well as for performing automation.

Now Lets Install Jenkins in Centos 7

First of all we need to Install Java as Jenkins is written in java.

sudo su
yum install java -y

After Installing Java we need to setup Jenkins repo and gpg key

sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo

sudo rpm –import

Now Lets Install Jenkins..

yum install jenkins -y

Now Lets start the Jenkins and enable the jenkins service.

systemctl restart jenkins
systemctl enable jenkins

Apply the firewall rule allow 8080/tcp port as Jenkins work on 8080 port.

firewall-cmd –permanent –add-port=8080/tcp
firewall-cmd –reload

Now open you web browser and type localhost:8080 or your_ip:8080


To get the default Password of Jenkins. cat the “/var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword” file and copy the password and paste it on the jenkins dashboard.

cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
paste the default password here
Jenkins plugin selection

Now, either you can go with “Install suggested plugins” or “Select plugins to Install” In Select plugins to install you will get a list of plugins to Install . I am installing suggested plugins.

Plugin Installation

You can Create a New Admin user.

Creating Admin user
Instance Configuration
Jenkins is ready
Start using Jenkins 🙂

For more Detailed Guide follow our YouTube Tutorial.

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