How to Install Google Chrome in Centos 7,8 / Redhat 7,8 / fedora

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How to Install Google Chrome in Centos 7,8 / Redhat 7,8 / fedora

Google Chrome is one of the widely used web browser. It is one of our favorite daily use browser. In this blog we will learn how can we install google chrome and setup it up to access it by root.

click on the below link to download chrome.

Download Google Chrome

After Downloading package run the following commands to install Google Chrome

cd ~/Downloads

——< for Centos 7,8 / Rhel 7,8 >——
yum install google-chrome-stable* -y
——-< Fedora >——
dnf install google-chrome-stable* -y

Google chrome is successfully installed our Centos 7,8 / Redhat 7,8 / Fedora Machine.

To access it navigate to Applications > Internet > Google Chrome.

But if you will try to run it as Root it will not open up.
To run Google chrome as root run the following commands.

google-chrome –no-sandbox

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